Bettendorf Trucking has been a leader in the Trucking Industry in California and Oregon for over 50 years! Serving major companies in timber, by product and waste management.
Our drivers bring home a median of $80K annually.
Even first year drivers have the opportunity to make over $75K.
We offer:
Reliable, year round work
$24/ hr starting wage
Home daily
9 - 12 hour shifts
Overtime after 8 hours
Quarterly safety bonus
With regional driving opportunities for professional drivers, safety is our priority.
See additional benefits offered below, to our full time, permanent drivers.
Paid vacation
Profit sharing/401(k) plan
Health, dental, vision and life insurance
Cafeteria plan including optional life, accident and illness insurance plans
Paid holidays
Annual, end of year bonus
For more information about Bettendorf Trucking, please visit our Website.
CALL OR STOP BY to fill out an application in person, Monday – Friday , 6:30am – 5:00pm.
Ask for Hiring Manager: Richard Strong
Phone number: 707-822-8271
Address: 4545 W End Rd, Arcata, CA 95521